This wasn't my rental car, but there were certainly a lot of these types of vehicles on the roads of Dubai. Actually, I didn't have a car of my own on this trip. The hotel had a Rolls-Royce limousine waiting for me at the airport when I arrived. For the most part, I relied on the city taxis to get around.
A few words about the city's taxi drivers: Many don't know their way around town. Every cab I got into had GPS, but not a single driver (of at least 12) had the device turned on. The meters run on distance, not time, so a driver will sometimes refuse to take you somewhere if he knows the traffic will be heavy getting there (which is often the case). If you will need a receipt, make sure as soon as you get inside the cab that the driver can provide one. Keep those items in mind and you should be okay getting around and the fares are very reasonably priced.